
貨真價實是所有消費者的基本要求! 若果物超所值, 當然使人興奮不已! 裝修房子也是有相同的標準,有了新居後便會想完美地使用室內每一吋空間,既需時尚又要實用,就算是居住了十數載的舊屋亦會想翻新一下, 因為隨時間遠去,生活起了變化. 更何況室內早已暗淡失色, 雜物處處. 裝修畢竟是人生大事, 不可不重而視之!

這個彈丸之地大多數人都居住在狹窄的房子裏面, 裝修根本沒什麼設計可言, 400-500尺空間早已經預留了空間, 特別是廚房及洗手間的佈局, 若果洗衣機, 雪櫃, 焗爐能夠共處一室, 那廚房空間可算是寬敞了; 若果馬桶,浴屏,洗手盤櫃能夠合理分配位置, 那浴室己經是理想空間了. 廳房也是如此, 一張四尺闊床, 一個三尺衣櫃, 再加上客廳電視櫃, 整間屋的設計也就大功告成了!

相信以上是大部份人的想法, 所以,很多人都會先物色裝修師傅, 然後讓他包辦清拆, 泥水,油漆, 水喉, 電…..等等各項大小事務. 當裝修完成後再自行選購現成傢俬. 無可厚非, 這樣安排不但節省金錢, 而且減少很多不必要煩惱. 但這個方式已經老舊了, 其實節省不了什麼金錢, 試想一想, 裝修師傅年紀老邁, 又不會操作電腦設計軟件. 雖然有豐富的經驗, 但建議千篇一律, 了無新意! 更甚者用一些聽似專業既用詞, 令人摸不著頭腦. 本來是一件簡單的事情, 講了大半天也不明所以然. 撇除無良裝修判頭不說, 這樣的人又是你所需求的嗎?

The only moral tenet governing the conduct of business is that the goods should be genuine and fair offer ! Customers always surprise when the goods quality are over their expectation. It is the same requirement in renovation service. Rational application of space are usually considered after new home obtained. We are asked for not only the reasonable space but also fashionable design. Even those not that old apartment, the owner always has the idea of renovation because almost all living practice has been changed after a decade or more of time. Also, everything has not been in proper place especially a few odds and ends. Renovation is a big deal in our life. Don’t you treat it as a piece of cake, do you?

Living area are relatively small in this tiny little city. There is no any room for Interior designer. Area had been fixed for washing machine, fridge and oven in kitchen. It is so lucky that designer gets enough space to relocate the layout in the same floor plan. Actually, most of them fail to do so. With working out the size of one bed, one wardrobe and TV cupboard in the living room, the design of a 400-500 ft apartment easily completed.

Most of the people has such idea as we already mentioned. Therefore, they use to look for an old style renovation service provider who contract site clearance, cement work, varnishing, waterpipe and wire installation. Off shelf furniture then will be bought after basic renovation completed. It is indeed a good way of cost saving. But it is out dated